2010年11月7日 星期日

Brian Fies's Talks

Brian Fies have a talk on Tuesday class about comics’ book. He had written two comics book which called Mom’s Cancer andWhatever Happened to the world of Tomorrow. First he asked a question why it has to be comics, why he had to tell mom’s story with comics but not other media. He related comics’ book as rock music that impresses his feeling, because if you just listen to the music without pay attention to the words, you won’t feel the soul of it. Since music is just repetitive and lyrics poetry, it has to be combine for creating an emotional response. As comics book has to combine words and pictures in order to tell a story, which is other media can’t do it. In his speak; he said to be a good cartoonist you don’t necessary have to be a good writer or good artist, the point for that is the idea of what are you going to tell the audiences. You think you are good artist because you have the practiced skills or experiences, but don’t you know that there must be hundred thousand of people who are better you are, so how to make yourself to be special and unique. Which is make something that only you can do it, as Brian said the book Whatever Happened to the world of Tomorrow presenting him that is what he is, only him can do it.

