2010年11月7日 星期日

Examples of Words and Images combined

There are many examples in the society that words and images come together. Newspaper is one of the examples. Newspaper includes different type of news, accident, government report, entertainment and advertisement. All of these are combining words and images together. For instance, try to report a car accident event. Writers usually post some pictures about the accident, like take a picture of the place happened or illustrate the process of the accident happened. It can help the readers easy to understand. I have heard a writer said including a picture in the report is stronger than write a thousand of words. Words and pictures come together is powerfully to describe the situation detailed. No matter how’s your imagination are strong, you cannot think the same situation as happened in the picture. But only look at the picture without reading the words, you will never know how the accident happened.

Poster is another example of words and images combine. The goal of poster is selling product or telling information. Poster is a page of design, so it doesn’t have too much space to explain detailed. Therefore, is better to put important information instead of so much description. But in order to catch viewer attention, poster usually has an image below the words. Other reason for putting image because it can also achieves aesthetic. Therefore, words and images can’t be separate and have to be related.

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