2010年11月29日 星期一

Design is Dangerous-Microwave

Safety is the most important part of the considerate factory of design. Even though design attempts to look for good ideas, functional design and achieve aesthetic, but nothing is important than using the product in a safety way. Since designers do not want to put users in danger.r.

I believe each family must have a microwave. It seems to be a convenient and necessary product in humans’ life. But don’t you know that microwave is an invisible weapon that can kill people’s life? As the doctor said microwave will produce carcinogen when people was heating their food. Seriously, it is hard to believe we are being insensibly killed. However, even if we know microwave will affect our health, why won’t the Government retrieve it?
Imagine you put a frog on the pan and turn on to big fire; of course the frog must jump out from the pan. But if you use the wax and gradually heat up the pan; the frog won’t feel anything at the beginning. However, when the frog feels some pain on its feet, it is too late to leave, since the wax already stuck on the frog’s feet. It is a metaphor that microwave is the wax, we are the frogs who are going to stick on the pan, even though it might take ten to twenty years to get a cancer. It happened in the hospital; when a nurse needed to help the patient to make a blood transfusion. In order to save time for thawing the blood, the nurse mistakenly used microwave to heat the pack of blood. Unfortunately, the patient died.
From what the Yahoo knowledge showed, using microwave to heat meat will create a carcinogen called d-Nitro Sodienthanolanines. Also after microwaving milk, fruit, and oat, it turns the amino acid to carcinogen. Therefore, microwave is a dangerous product which intentionally affect human’s health. 
Design should not be a danger and affect the society; design is useful, aesthetic, functional and innovative, as Dieter Rams said. Nowadays, people are seeking to have a high quality life, and produce so many kinds of products to achieve their demand. However, even though some products can bring convenience to people, it might have dangers that can affect human’s life. Let’s think of the day before the microwave was created, can’t we still heat up food a microwave? 

