2010年10月17日 星期日

Comparison and Contrast

As doing this comparison and contrast, I did some research on the internet about different company's logo design. Here is the website include information about different famous logo. http://www.logoblog.org/logo-design-gallery/ 
I find big changers for the logo reform company was UPS (United Parcel Service), which is a famous postal delivery company in the world. 
UPS has changed its logo four times until now. The first logo was created in 1919 by designer Jim Casey. It showed an eagle carrying a package in its talon, mixing with two colors blown and yellow. It is an iconic that easy to understand what kind of company it is. As we discussed in class design is a conversation. That is exactly an example of what it means, through the icon bring out the message. 

Second Logo was created in 1937, the reason they redesigned because they changed the company name to United Parcel Service. Before that that, it's called American Messenger Company. This icon is different than the first one, which including letters in the shield with the word on the top" The delivery of merchandise for multiple retail department stores." The colors are the same, and the advantage of this since it can make the logo more stand out. Also it directly tells us the company name.

Third logo was established in 1961 by the brand designer Paul Rand.He did make a lot of changers and he did the way is totally different style. First is the color, he just did it with black and white. Simple shape with letters, but it also included the meaning of delivery. 

Lastly, the newest logo was designed in 2003 by Future Brand. The difference between this and the third logo is removed the bow on the top, to make it simple. Even though, I think it is also symbolize the image of the company, because the letters and the symbolic blown already told us what the company is. 

1 則留言:

  1. Your blog looks beautiful, Suiwa! You talk about such great stuff! Good job!
