2010年10月10日 星期日

Where's my inspiration of Design?

A good designer need to have lot of inspiration, in order them to create good works. As I mention on my last blog about  how different designer get them inspiration from. And in this blog I would like to share with you about my own experience.

My interest is love to take pictures and printing. In the past few years, I thought of to be an artist or a photographer, which can work with something that I am good at. However, as I grow up started to get in touch with Design, I knew my career will be change. Because I feel design is more challenging to me, and I can create things with my own style also need to achieve the client's want. Moreover, I think Design can help people to solve problems and make their life to be easier. That's what picture and printing couldn't make it. 

But how do I get my inspiration from? Which is basic on my interest. Where I took pictures, I will discover something around me but I never paid attention for, also it's reminds me how beautiful the world is. On the other hand, painting can help me to express my feeling completely. I think the powerful of a paint is when you look at it, you feel something. For me, I think Design, painting and photography are all related. Those are the ways that I find my inspiration and increase my knowledge. 

Design is a not an end story, never and ever write the ending yourself!

