2010年10月31日 星期日

Design in different Terms

As we are designing, something we should think of before we get started.
First, what is the idea and impulses for create you works? What is the purpose and content that you want to bring to the audience? It is the main step in the whole design process, because design is able to bring message to the viewer. 
After that, you should think about the form, which is the best way to reveal the works. Knowing each term has their advantage, suitable term can help the viewer more understanding the design concept.
Next step is idiom, what is your style, gestures and subject matter. As creating a coffee cup, it can be so many different styles. 
Then we should think of the structure, how to put things together, what it needs and what isn't necessary have. As designing a poster, we don't want to include too much things. We just want to show the important information, which are benefit for the works. Mostly, it's better to summaries the main points and keep it neat and clear, since simple is beauty. 
After that is craft your work, applying the skill and practical knowledge. It's the time to find out the problems and solve them, getting the works done.
Last step is surface, which is the production values. Concluding all the process, can the work express the message to viewers.
A good designer has to have follow those steps, in order to create good works!

