2010年10月31日 星期日

Form and Content: Objectified

How form and content work together to create the film “Objectified”?
The form it takes which have gave examples of different designer think of the design concept through different type of object. Visually support the viewer keep watch the film, background music is an important form which can’t leave without. It has connected an ending part to other new topic. Let the audience know the film is going to talk about other concept. Also from the title “Objectified”, we surely know it is about the design of any kind of objects.
The content of the film that analyzes designers thought, the concept and idea of what design really is. From everyday when we wake up, almost everything that we used, are all have been designed.

Andrew Blauvelt, who is a design curator, he talked about the concept evolution of design through the Japanese toothpick. A simple toothpick exists over thousand years, but the one in his hand was already improved, if you break off the top part which signified that was used, also create a tiny rest of toothpick in an aesthetics way. As Henry Ford said “Every object tells a story.” The style of the tiny toothpick created mostly because of the unique cultural content. Even through American people might use the toothpick in different ways, but the engage part of the toothpick is it expresses Japanese mind and behavior.
From the other designer Dieter Rams, he bought up a question why designer have to design? He point out good design should be innovative, useful and aesthetic design. Good design will make a product understandable, which also honest, unobtrusive and long-lived. Good design has to consist in every detail. Good design is environmentally friendly and as little design as possible.
Jonathan Lve, who is a designer in Apple Company, said when you look at something constantly. A question flow out in your mind why it is like that not like this. And that is the motive to help designing.

