2010年10月3日 星期日

What is Design

As we have discussed a big question in class, “what is Design?” It seems to be an easy question but it is hard to answer. There are different types of design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design and exhibition design, those are surrounding us. What you see in your eyes, those are all designed. We create various kinds of objects though the process of designing. For example: how to construct a comfortable chair with a variety of functions, and how to make an appealing picture with different uses of medium. It is an important motion and an act of creation. 
In my opinion, people who know how to design or appreciate design also know how to enjoy their lives differently, because design can make their life to be easier and convenience. And they have a distinctive sense of beauty and higher expectation of living.
As the bus life system, operators will use it to assist those who are incapacity and using wheelchair passengers easily get on off from the vehicle. Although it might be a small design can’t catch everyone’s attention, it is a useful design and can help people make life easier.
People must have already thought of the function’s advantage and disadvantage, before the object is designed. For instance, is it possible that camera should be boxed-like? If I am the designer, I would like to change it look likes an egg. I think design is really broad and unique, it can create anything. And each step of transition can improve the object to become better.

