2010年10月9日 星期六

Stone Soup...Yummy!!

On tuesday October 5, we have a activity in class which called Stone Soup. At first, I really don't know what are we going to do about that. The only thing that I know was bring a camera and something can work with. So that day I bought a little yellow duck which is a phone hanger and few color pens. 

At the beginning of class, Mr.Housefield told us a story about Stone Soup. Firstly the soup only have stone with the boil water, but then people started to bring food with them and throw it into the big bowl. Soon, the soup become more and more tasty. 
After the story, I believed what is the purpose of this activities for. It taught me that when more object put together, it can be many possible results. But if I only got one things with me, I couldn't even change anything. As the story stone soup, only have water with the stones. 

So we had our work started by sketching on the paper, and each of us got a different idea. Therefore, we tried to group them together. At first, we seems like a bit lost and don't know what to do. But then, after some parts were created, we kind of had the power to keep working on. As the food first put into the water without taste, but it needs to take time for cooking, so it become good. 

I really enjoy to do things like this, and I learned what design can be. Image design is like a box, but how can we tear the box to explode our idea. That's what we learn what design is. Overall in this activities, all of us really have fun with that, even the class was end, we still excited to tear it into a part. 

