2010年10月10日 星期日

Design from without...Inspiration

As a designer, we usually find our inspiration from the things around us. For example, the activity Stone Soup, that we did on the last tuesday, we were tried to use the materials surrounding us. And in class we have watched a short movie about a woman named Lisa Hoke, she was using the Plastic cups to create an Art for the gallery decoration, that's what she has her inspiration from things surround her life. And Jackson Pollock, who is an artist also a designer. He use to find his inspiration from his printing. As the photo took by Beaton named The New Soft Look, which is completely  an example to explain Jackson's personality and what his design style is. 

Other then that, I saw a blog on the internet, from http://jolie1118.spaces.live.com Which is a blog by Jolie, from China, who is a professional photographer. She loves to travel alone and take pictures, on her blog you can see tons of picture took by herself, which are really amazing. Even you just look at the picture, you can feel what message she wants to bring out. So that she likes to travel all around the world to help her takes good picture.

Therefore, I think inspiration is comes from the way what we have seen and what we have felt, which is relate to our life everyday. Even it's only a little things that we not use to pay attention for, such as plastic cups, plastic bag or towel papers. But once we start to think how to use those normal things to create other works, it will turn a simple to a high fashion.

