2010年10月17日 星期日

Design as Conversation

Conversation is a skill to express feeling and convey message to others.
Nowadays in the society, it is important to have good conversation skills, in order to communicate with other people and get involve to the society. Also it will help to become a successful person. Normally, people will think of linguistic is a part of the conversation. But beside then that, design is one of the bridges to communicate. Moreover, in some cases design is a stronger way than just using language to communicate and bring message to audiences. Lady Gaga is a good example.  In her VMA Awards show presented by MTV, she wore a meat dress which was full of controversy. But the reason that she was doing this because she want to bring out the message through an act, (which was bring out the message by the dress design) instead of just saying by mouth.

Design a poster for advertisement is an example of conversation; it is not only a paper work. Its purpose is to bring a message to the audience. Therefore, material conducted in the medium of drawing is required for design. As the famous artist Yoko Ono, she said that everyone is unique and different. Even though people think she did something shocking to make her special. But what she thinks is the problem isn’t come from how to become different and unique, is her way that how to share an experience and how to communicate through her works.
She made a chess set which is called “Play It by Trust” in 1966. The concept that she wants to bring to the audience is get chances to repeat the games over and over in a different ways. But how she made her chess set to stand out from different designs? Which is comes from her idea; she wants to make it simple rather than decorative. She uses this chess to represent human life. Normally, Chess is black and white, but life is not only black and white. Therefore, she choose the monotone white to create her chess, meaning is you will not recognize what is yours or what is theirs. So in this chess game, it is a way for you to convince other people who you are. Also it is a way to communicate through her design.

